Friends of the Libary
In Hardin County, everyone who comes into the library is considered to be a friend. However, the Hardin County Public Library has special friends who join together to look after its interests in various ways. Our activities are funded from membership dues and other fundraising activities.
All users of the Hardin County Public Library are invited to become a Friend of the Library member. This organization is made up of volunteer individuals and serves as a support group for the library. The used book room located in the library is always open for those who wish to purchase books to help fund library needs. Book donations are always welcomed and appreciated.
As a goodwill ambassador for the library, the Friends have special events and activities for all ages. These may include reception for local authors, guest lecture series, continuing education programs.
The Friends are constantly seeking interesting and informative activities to enhance the culture and education of all Hardin Countians.
As a support group, the Friends offer assistance for on-going library activities such as summer reading programs for children. This program may include special activities such as puppet programs or professional storytellers. Many of the Friends’ fundraising activities provide amenities such as pictures for the walls and equipment for the meeting room. Friends of the Library give direct financial support to the library with periodic, unspecified donations. Through these gifts, the Friends have made many contributions to the library’s collections of books, audio and video tapes, Tennessee Room, and many other items.
Friends of the Library Meetings
The Friends of Hardin County Library meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 5.30pm in the Library’s Welch Room.
The public is invited to attend the meetings and special events. All those interested in supporting the library are welcome as members. There is a one-time membership fee of $5.00.