Getting a Library Card

You can get a library card at our front desk. All you need is proof of your current residence. When you get your library card, you can check out the following materials:
Books and Audiobooks can be checked out for a two-week period. Book materials within the two-week loan period may be renewed twice.
DVDs and cake pans can be checked out for a three-day period. DVDs may be checked out three at a time, in any combination, per household. No exceptions. These materials may be renewed once. You can find these in the Barlow / Falls Reading Room on the far right corner of the library. We do not allow patrons under the age of 16 to check out DVDs without their parent’s permission.
If someone else has checked out materials that you want, you can request a reservation.
Patrons may fill out a request card for any circulating item that the library owns. For books that are best sellers and have a waiting list, patrons have only two weeks to read this material. Unfortunately, due to waiting lists, we cannot allow this material to be renewed.
Materials may be renewed by telephone, online, or in person before or on the due date if they are not on reserve. Renew materials online by using your library card number to login to our card catalog.
You need your library card to use the card catalog. To browse our catalog or renew your current checkouts, click the link above and follow these instructions:
- Login using the Login button at the top right of the page.
- In the “Enter your library barcode number” box, type in your library card number. It begins with 1HRDI (that’s a capital i after the d).
- Enter your password. (First time users, please use: userpass. You will be prompted to change your password.)
- Check the “Remember Me” box on your personal device or computer to remain logged in for the next time you use our catalog.
New cards—limit of 5 items, no DVDs for 60 days; after the 60 days, limit is 10 items per card.
Proof of residency. For example, driver’s license or piece of mail with address.
Patrons are allowed a day of grace when returning the above materials. This is the very first day after the due date. If items are not returned on the grace day, the grace period is forfeited and fines will be applied for each day late. Fines will be accrued at $0.10 per item per day for 14-day checkout items, and $1.00 per item per day for 3-day checkout items. All items carry a maximum fine of $2.50 per item.
What else can I do with my library card?
Interlibrary Loans
If the library does not have the book you need, we will be happy to request it on inter-library loan from another library. There is no charge for this service.
Please note, however, we cannot request new releases as libraries will not send them out on ILL.
Yes, we allow audio books to be checked out. We also loan them to other libraries.
Right now, we do not allows movies to be checked out through ILL.
The limit of items is 3 per card.
It is dependent upon the lending library, but usually not more than a week. The most is two weeks unless the item(s) are not available. If we cannot get access to materials at another library, we will put a note on your account and let you know.
No, this is a free service to our library customers.
Access the Public Library’s Computers
Computers will be used mainly for searching library materials and for patron research. There are eleven Public Access Computers (PAC) for the public to check email or search the web for information.
There are two study rooms with computers for online classes, studying, or for small meetings, such as tutoring sessions. Access to these study rooms must have the director’s approval prior to use.
Located in the Reference Department are two computers for research and job searching only.
There are four computers with games in the Children’s Area and finally, three public access terminals are designated for computerized card catalog use only. There are two located in the adult area and one in the children’s area.
Click for Internet Rules
Technology Services
Computer classes, One-on-one training for Computer or Device, Mi-Fi (hotspot wi-fi),
Get Involved

Maybe being more hands-on is what you want? Joining the Friends of the Library is a good start!
Click the link below to find out more!
Enjoy eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines Anytime, Anywhere
Hardin County Library is proud to offer you best-selling and classic eBooks, digital audiobooks available 24/7 from the library’s digital collection.
You can browse the collection, borrow with your library card, and enjoy on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or eReader. Many borrowed eBooks, audiobooks, and more can be enjoyed immediately in your web browser or downloaded to the free OverDrive app for mobile devices. Digital titles can also be enjoyed on tablets and eReader devices such as the iPad®, NOOK®, and Kindle® [U.S. Libraries only]. No matter how you plan to enjoy, titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees!
With hundreds of popular titles to choose from, this collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone. You can enjoy best-sellers and classic literature, stories for kids and teens, and much more anytime, anywhere.
This service, powered by OverDrive, is free with your library card. To get started enjoying eBooks, audiobooks, and more, use your library card number to sign in and start checking out materials right here!

Around the Library

Study Rooms are located right outside the Barlow / Falls reading room in the far right corner of the library. These rooms can be checked out just the same as our public access computers. They are excellent for studying, tutoring, or interviews.

The meeting room is available for gatherings of a civic, cultural, or educational character. This room is not available for meetings for the benefit of private individuals or commercial concerns, for the presentation of one side of controversial matters, or when, in the judgment of the Director, any disorder may be likely to occur. Meetings must be without charge.
Printer-friendly form for use of Welch Room (Meeting Room)

The Tennessee Room is located in the far back left corner of the library. Talk to our reference librarian and assistant director, Connie Lewis, for access to local history materials and genealogy research.

Fax Machine
Long distance 1.00 for 1st page, .50 for each additional page; Toll free .50 per page.

Scanner / Copier
We will scan documents for free.
Black and white copies: 15¢ per page
Color copies: 50¢ per page

Study guide available at front desk
Call for appointment
*Need type 600 permit
Barlow / Falls Reading Room
The Barlow/Falls Reading Room is a quiet, secluded room in the far right corner of the library. Inside this room we offer free coffee and a comfortable atmosphere to study, read, or catch up on read five daily newspapers and six local newspapers:
- Savannah Courier
- McNairy County’s Independent Appeal
- Wayne County News
- Chester County Independent
- Henderson County News
- Commercial Appeal
We also subscribe to approximately nine magazines, including Time, Newsweek, People, Consumer Reports, Good Housekeeping, and many others. Some of our magazines are available for checkout; look for the titles in our online catalog.