Volunteer Program
We have a Volunteer Program at the library for Teens and Adults. We encourage anyone with the time, special skills, or an interest in helping at the library to complete our volunteer application. We will review the application and schedule an interview. We then offer an orientation, which includes a tour, an introduction to the staff, and coverage of our volunteer policy. We will add you to our volunteer schedule after completing these steps.
The application can be accessed online or picked up at the library and returned to the front desk.
Print and fill out the application and bring it to the front desk at the Hardin County Public Library when completed.

We are proud of our current volunteers helping with special projects, children’s and teen programs, workroom activities, front desk duties, and other tasks.
Job Opportunities
Hardin County Library has both an art wall and a display case which can be used by the public to display their art work or collections.
These are usually displayed for a calendar month.
If you would like to display your art work or collections, please contact Shelia at (731) 925-4314.
Art Display Case

Art Display Gallery

Donating Gifts: In Honor / In Memorandum
All memorials and gift monies are used specifically to purchase library materials, UNLESS otherwise designated. You have the opportunity to pass on the legacy of books and other materials, which will touch the lives of many.
Contributions for books, equipment, or other materials may be made in memory or in honor of a loved one or in honor of special occasions. (Please see the librarian.)
When you give a tax-deductible donation to the library, you help provide lasting enrichment, entertainment, and education for everyone within the community. The aged, the very young, students, and those who can no longer see to read can find the world within the walls of the library.